Our Most Romantic Guide: How to Be Romantic in Relationships

Brain mechanisms and a whole bunch of hormones and neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, oxytocin) throw us into each other's arms and help us stay together for the period necessary to give birth to the offspring and pass the genes on to future generations.

However, being very social, we have been building our lives in accordance not only with biological rhythms but also with cultural, historical and economic factors that differ depending on the country, religion, and the level of development.

The romantic concept of falling in love is still relevant, and there is nothing shameful or outdated in the desire to meet a person with whom it will be convenient to exist in one space and enjoy life to the fullest. The ability to share your feelings with lonely women seeking men is just as important as the need to feel awe in her presence, fooling around, traveling and coming up with names for future children.

Even talking about the benefits of partnerships, we usually mean that in such a union, people will not only mechanically do the same amount of household chores or take equal parts in the life of a mutual child, but also show tenderness and attention, kiss and have sex as well as feel the kinship of souls, no matter how pretentious it may sound.

how to be romantic in a relationship

Concept of Romance – What Is It in Its Core?

Today there are many alternatives to romantic relationships: career, education, sports, hobbies, hanging out with friends. These alternatives are multiplying every day: as early as 5–10 years ago, people did not have so many ways to spend their time, get joy and pleasure from the process. The question is how you assign priorities and what is more important for you personally at a certain stage of life: dating or the opportunity to read a book in silence.

How to be romantic? What is romantic love? Does it really exist? Or is it a product created by some sensitive souls, and you will hardly meet it in real life since it is a kind of virtual fairy tale for adults. How do people understand romance? It’s all about dreams, vivid feelings that prevail over reason, and the idealization of something ordinary. Most often spouses find romantic relationships outside the marriage. Why do you think it happens? What does the huge number of marriages ending up in divorce mean?

It’s all about exceeded expectations and mundane realities, about the inability of the couple to meet each other's requests and unwillingness to keep the relationship spiced up. However, nowadays, people who are going to enter relationships and register on hot women dating sites, want love and pleasant emotions and not just mutual household obligations and procreation.

Romantic love involves passion, an irresistible craving for a partner, a divine impulse, inspiration, and delight. Paradoxically, romance in love also involves suffering, which allows you to feel all the danger, intensity, and drama of life! Have you ever noticed that the greatest works of art are dedicated precisely to tragic love? Maybe this is the essence of romance?

In fact, romance implies an emotional, intellectual and sexual union of two souls that recognize each other as personalities and like-minded people and voluntarily and mutually beneficial incur obligations to share their most secret and highest values, hopes and desires. There are different ways to be romantic, and each of them shows that you are not indifferent to your partner, but actually on the contrary, you want them to feel how much you like them, how much you love them and care.

Reasons Why Romance Is So Important in a Relationship

Many people don’t understand how to be romantic in a relationship and why it is so important. Someone says that romance is like a wonderful vintage lace. It’s great, but it is impractical and seems to be useless in modern life. So, people wonder how much their lives will change if they learn to be more romantic with their partners. Well, romance in relationships is useful not only at the beginning of the relationships when people try to attract each other and win the potential partner over. It is even more important when the relationships become more stable, and partners are more confident in each other. Romance is important at any age and in all manifestations. It can make relationships more interesting and brighter. You do not believe the myth that romance is appropriate only during the emergence and development of relationships.

You become more confident in relationships

Romance is an idealization of reality, emotional lift, lyrical mood, and dreams. This is something completely elusive, on the level of sensations and experiences. While the neurosis is a very specific thing. According to psychologists, up to 50% of young people suffer from it. Among the symptoms are doubts about the right choice of a partner, thoughts like, “Is it worth it to change something,” and lack of value of a long relationship. Only romance will correct the situation. tips to be romantic for womenYou need to look at your partner and think that fate has brought you together, regardless of the circumstances of your acquaintance. Even if you’ve met on a dating site. Keep romantic memories, revive them from time to time, and you will be much confident in your relationships.

You stay in love with each other

A man is glad if his woman has sanity, practicality and understands that mortgages and diamonds do not combine well. However, deep down every man is dreaming about a princess who is beautiful, amazing, and slightly capricious. Therefore, often men believe that something is missing in the relationship, and a feeling of boredom and monotony arises. However, women are more emotional and cunning by nature, it’s not difficult for them to behave romantically, passionate and differently if they get required signs of attention from men. So, if you want to maintain the feeling of love in your couple, make your relationships more romantic and mysterious.

You become more successful

The effectiveness of romance in terms of personal growth was proven back in the Middle Ages. Well, you don’t need to compose poems and dedicate songs to a partner. You can simply admire the actions, intentions, and interesting thoughts of the partner. However, this must be done sincerely and without irony. This is especially required for shy partners or those who suffer from low self-esteem. Both of you will become more successful if you maintain romance in your relationships.

You understand each other better

Many people have complaints about their partners, and latter ones cannot (or don’t want) understand them and come to an agreement. In relationships where romance is absent, people sort things out much often, their irritation and annoyance accumulate and turn into a snowball. Such quarrels are dangerous because being under the influence of negative emotions, you can say and do much more than you were going to. People who bring romance into their relationships, deal with misunderstandings much easier and can fix literally any problem.

You are happier

Happiness is incomprehensible and elusive just like romance. That’s why they are interconnected. “Well, it's time for us to make our relationship official. Let’s decide what day to inform parents.” Most women will find such a proposal terrible. What about romance, beautiful memories and a sense of something unusual? They need this for happiness. They need romance not only at the beginning of a relationship but throughout life. Therefore, if you give each other unexpected gifts, leave cute notes on the table, walk hand in hand, you'll increase the level of mutual happiness. Romance improves the quality of life and gives you a constant source of joy. And even if you don’t have much money, there are many cheap ways to be romantic, so it’s not an excuse.

Is Romance a Character Trait or a Skill?

To be romantic doesn’t mean to be limited to one or another beautiful deed. Romantic attitude requires awareness, care, and the mutual work of two loving souls. And dreams of happiness come true in this way, becoming a real creative part of our life. However, different people have opposite opinions on whether everyone can learn how to be more romantic or it’s a character trait, and you cannot do anything about that. Well, of course, everyone has different natures, and people perceive everything differently, so the thing that seems natural for you may not evoke the same emotions in another person.

One can say that people who are more sensitive and romantic by nature will treat the necessity to show feelings as something completely obvious, while others who don’t possess such character traits may do that just because they have too. However, when people fall in love, even the insensitive and self-absorbed people change their habits and attitude toward a beloved person. They will start showing attention and care to the person they love, and even if they do it not that skillfully, their deeds will be sincere and saturated with bright and pleasant feelings. Actually, nowadays, if a man doesn’t know how to be romantic over text or while chatting in person, he can find out ready-made scenarios on the Internet. The main thing here is to have a desire to please a beloved partner, and if you don’t have such a desire, then maybe just a wrong person is next to you.

How to Become More Romantic?

Romance in relationships is useful and needed not only at the dawn of your relationships with a partner, but also when it seems that you have known each other for ages, everything is stable, and there is no need to conquer anyone’s attention and love. However, when you know how to be romantic with your girlfriend, you can save your relationships from boredom and prevent a breakup. When people have been living together for a long time, their relationships lose bright colors and vivid emotions, and there is a chance that one of the partners may start looking for the past pleasant sensations on the side. And if you don’t want to ruin the foundation of your relationships, then you should learn how to be romantic with your wife.

1. Give gifts without a reason

Practice shows that girls who receive gifts only on the holidays, focus much more on the value of the gifts. While women who get some nice presents from time to time without any reason (and it’s not about Tiffany or some other expensive gift) don’t demand anything gorgeous and amazing on, for example, Valentine’s Day. They value such moments very much since a gift without a reason tells her that you think about your woman all the time and want to please her at least a little just because you love her and not because you have to present something on her birthday.

2. Admire each other

For those who have just met their soulmate, the endless process of mutual stroking and positive reinforcement occurs naturally and as if by itself. Why do people begin to take each other’s merits for granted overtime? Where does the magical ability to notice and admire the best in a partner disappear over the years? However, mutual love can also fade away in such cases. And if you have been living together for 7 years and all these years the girl has been cooking perfectly, then it seems like you don’t have to compliment her lasagna. What is the necessity to put like under her photos on Instagram if you see her every day? Nonetheless, it makes sense. As soon as a person begins to receive more positive emotions from the outside than within the family, they may start thinking about the breakup.

3. Flirt with your partner

You have no idea how to be romantic in the bedroom? Then answer one simple question, “When was the last time you flirt with your beloved partner?” This is a great way to wake up your passionate feelings and spice up your relationships. Men are naturally gambling, and women are flirty. This must be used to warm up interest in each other. Guys like to seek the love and attention of the beautiful women, but when they have already won the heart of the girl, they calm down. Try to simulate a romantic situation in which you want to conquer her again. For example, try a role-playing game in which you are strangers.

4. Show your interest

Showing interest in each other’s life is one of the few mutually beneficial gestures when you are looking for a way how to be romantic long distance. For example, watching her favorite TV show and discussing it will provide you with one less complaint when you want to watch and discuss something to your liking. You will always be the winner if you make the offer first, and do not just give in. If she persuades you to share her hobby, then you are a loser. Take a step forward, invest a little of your time and let her experience positive emotions, which will last much longer than your caring impulse. Does she like to dance salsa? It’s wonderful. Instead of just inviting her to dance one evening, take some secret lessons and surprise her with your dancing abilities.

how to be romantic with your wife5. Come up with your rituals

What can be more romantic than some charming rituals that have appeared in your relationships and become its integral part? For example, you can start making pancakes on Saturday and bring her the first cup of coffee. To make such things more romantic, you can cook something in the form of a heart or make her favorite fruit salad in addition to the main dish. Small details have great power and can become a glue for your couple. Women appreciate such things much more than expensive presents. When you create something with your hands on a permanent basis, you demonstrate your love and care.

6. Fool around

It doesn’t matter how old you are, but if your relationships are filled with many funny moments when you were fooling around together, your connection is strong. It may not seem as romantic as a dinner in a posh restaurant, but it is exactly these moments that bring partners together and help them feel beloved. When you are fooling around, you relax and try to get maximal pleasure from the process. Besides, if in the middle of the next “battle,” you will stop for a second and say, “I love you so much” to your beloved woman, she will be over the moon.

Tips How to Be More Romantic

Some people are convinced that it is better not to have romantic expectations in life, so that not to suffer from disappointment. However, the romantic mood will save you from the routine of everyday life and will not allow your feelings to cool down. It supports the fire in the heart and gives you a sweet feeling of the fullness of life and the value of every moment of it. In addition, it will allow you to fill the most seemingly everyday affairs with joy and meaning. Here are some tips to be romantic for women and men who have been in relationships for a long time.

Practice dating

It’s not about having dinner in some other place where you continue to discuss the same everyday problems (whether to change the furniture in the bedroom / where to go on vacation, why your friend behaves weird, etc.), but about arranging a normal date. Choose a new place, dress up beautifully for each other and agree to not discuss your routine. So, eat slowly, turn off your phones and just devote time to each other. And if you decide to get a hotel room after such date, don’t ignore this desire.

Write love poems and letters

Who said that romantic notes can be written only in childhood or adolescence? Write something pleasant on a piece of paper for your soulmate. It can be something playful, romantic, provocative, comic. If you write nice compliments for your loved one on a small piece of paper, this will add variety and appeal to your relationship. Romantic notes can be laid out throughout the apartment, in pockets of clothes, a bag. Give your soulmate beautiful postcards signed from the inside, write romantic letters, even if she is not leaving anywhere.

More compliments

It’s great if you notice the physiological advantages of your soulmate (for example, that she has stunning legs or wonderful hair), but don’t forget to shift the focus to her accomplishments and character traits as well. If you compliment something that is of great importance for her, you will toss out a zinger and show that you are very much involved in your relationships. If you have decided to connect your life with this woman, then she possesses some wonderful traits. You can say her just, “You make me wanna be romantic.”

More overall pastime

Yes, you have your life, favorite hobbies, and friends but, on the other hand, you should find a balance between the private and the general, otherwise, the relationship may fade away at the most promising stage. Your relationships need care and attention, recognition and walks, surprises and gifts, romantic dates and cozy home evenings. Be creative, do not spare energy to nourish your feelings and have a quality pastime.

Your Woman Needs Romance

From the point of view of a woman, romance in a relationship is always needed. It emphasizes and fuels feelings. Flowers for no reason and any courtship is one of the indicators (and very important) that a man loves her. No matter how “adult” a relationship is, a woman wants to see the light. And romance gives this lightness. Romance informs a woman that a man’s feelings for her have not cooled down yet. He is still in love with her as before when they were dating. Such emotions brighten up the woman’s life because often relationships are immersed in the “everyday life.”

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13.03.2020 16:43
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